我的项目使用 dev.azure.com。我可以使用 git clone 并通过 Source Tree 获取。但是我不能将 git fetch 与 Intellij 一起使用。Intellij 显示错误

Fetch Failed Cannot determine the organization name for this 'dev.azure.com' remote URL. Ensure the `credential.useHttpPath` configuration value is set, or set the organization name as the user in the remote URL '{org}@dev.azure.com'. Cannot determine the organization name for this 'dev.azure.com' remote URL. Ensure the `credential.useHttpPath` configuration value is set, or set the organization name as the user in the remote URL '{org}@dev.azure.com'. Authentication failed for


Source Tree 一切正常。我该如何解决 Intellij 的这个问题?


https://<my user name>@dev.azure.com/some-url

尝试在 IDEA 中启用,Settings | Version Control | Git | Use credential helper看看是否有帮助。